standard poodle puppies for sale born Nov 24 black and red males and females ready for ne..
Piper had her puppies and has 3 red boy available . Mom is red and weighs 9lbs and dad is..
8 week old German full blooded Rottweiler puppies. First shots given. Tails docked. I hav..
Medium size poodle adorable black wit h shades of red needs loving home. born November..
Apricot male poodle, 2 red female poodle, very intelligent, easy to trained, active and f..
Aussie doodle males, 1 chocolate and 1 black! Both with beautiful white accents, collars,..
These little guys are in the toy size I have males and females some are raised in the hou..
loving beautiful affectionate female bishon/ poodle in need of a good home. I have to go ..
8 week old German full blooded Rottweiler puppies. First shots given. Tails docked. I hav..
POODLES 2 Males.Apricot,toy.toy/mini.UTD Shots,vet xxxxxxx.xxxxx ME @ xxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx..
Beautiful Red Female, Akc Registared, Vaccine Records,
POODLES 2Male & Female.apricot,toy,lg toy/mini.UTD Shots,vet checked.$400.00,fo quick..
Beautiful Red Female, Akc Registared, Vaccine Record,
Murrieta,Ca xxx-xxx-xxxx..
8 weeks old / puppy shots and paperwork
4 females 3 males
Mom and dad on site both regi..
Akc Registared Toy Poodle Male Red, Vaccine Records, Beautiful head set great quality..
We have 2 healthy,Vet checked puppy with first set of shots and dewormed.They are playful..
MimI is a6 yr old white miniature poodle. She is extremely smart and completely housebrok..
I have 2 standard Parti poodles males, 1 solid black male and 1 parti female..
My baby is only 6 months and such a good boy. I am only selling him because I have develo..
Hes the one perfect im interested in selling him i am licensed and vaccines up to date pe..
Hi everyone! We have 5 puppies who are in need of new homes! They are a mix breed of Pood..
Standard poodle pups ckc 8 weeks old 3 boys 3 girls located in Kingsport TN xxx-xxx-xxxx..
Their poodle chihuahua ready to go just message me donation..
We have a4 adorable Puppies ready for their forever families. Momma is a German Shepherd ..
I have male toy poodles..they are so sweet and beautiful..ckc been dewormed had fist 2 sh..
Female toy poodle 9 weeks old all vaccinations up to date potty trained amazing personali..
Hello, this is Emma our tour Poodle. Her average weight would be around 10 pounds. Please..
Hi, I'm Bailey! i am an AKC registered standard poodle. I weigh around 80 pounds and am t..
Beautiful Teddybear 2nd generation puppy born and raise in xxxx. Only 1 Handsome affectio..
I took in a pregnant stray. I didn't get her to the vet in time, and she had six puppies...
The new designer puppies heeler pits. And mix between a blue heeler and an American pitbu..
Loving snuggle buddies.
Frenchton/Pitbull mix.
Active and friendly, playful.
I have 3 ..