Dam and sire are OFA Health Tested (CHIC certified), AKC Standard Poodles with champion pedigrees. No parti genes. We have a litter that was born on 9/11 and will be ready to go to their forever home November 6. We have 6 puppies available, 4 black males, 1 black female (possible silver) and 1 white male. Dam and Sire are black poodles with great temperaments. They are very laid back, calm and very affectionate. Their past two litters we've had one silver, one cream and the rest were black or white puppies. Puppies are born and raised indoors and socialized with our children. If you have any questions about our poodles or the their puppies please feel free to send us a message or check out our Facebook page xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/xxxx. There is a $300 non refundable deposit to hold pup. All puppies will go home with the following at 8 weeks old: Tails docked/dewclaws removed UTD vaccines Microchip AKC Registration (Limited) Health guarantee Puppy Kit