Absolutely delightful and playful Westley.Comesto you with the most happy face.He literally has a smile. We got him as my daughters seizure alert and response dog. He is the best sweetest dig. But a very hapoy and xxxxxxx.xx public. Unfortunatly not qualified for Him to be an out in public service doggie. Oh how we love his sweet face. But we cant take our sweet Westly everywhere.. So we want him to run an olay and be happy with a loving hime.While he is a sweet pup. He comes with lots of gear and fully vacinations. Cream colored. Hiant pen. Tons of toys.twobeds All akc oapers and vet records. You will just Looooooove him I have a million pi tures of Westly but for ssome unknow reason this sight wont let me upload. PLEASE TEX AND ASK.