Piper had her puppies and has 3 red boy available . Mom is red and weighs 9lbs and dad is..
Pit bull puppies for sale. Born December 8th. There is 1 female left out of a litter of 9..
1 male available Gorgeous black & silver male Carlos- AVAILABLE Beautiful black &a..
ckc register boxer puppies born on the 1-1-2025 5males..one reverse brindle one sea..
1 male available Gorgeous black & silver male Carlos- AVAILABLE Beautiful black &a..
I have 9(3 girls and 6 boys) American Akita Puppies Purebred with AKC papers, first shots..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
8 weeks old / puppy shots and paperwork
4 females 3 males
Mom and dad on site both regi..
Rare Black SheepaDoodle Puppies
CKC Registered Puppies
AKC & CKC Registered Dam
9week old akita puppies. Ready to go call or text xxx xxx xxx0
I have 1 male and 2 fem..
This beautiful little lady is 10 weeks old. She’s up-to-date on her shots, Vet checked,..
Direct Serbian import rottweiler. Foundational female from the top xxxxxxxxxx.xx include ..