Princess is a super energetic Pug puppy , loving and playful puppy. She is a Yorkie full breed and she is 12 weeks old 4 days now. I love this dog with my whole heart and will not give her to a home that will do anything but love her. I can't keep Princess because she has not been getting along with another one of my grand moms female dogs. Princess is house trained for the most part. She knows how to sit and will let you know when she needs to go outside but she does tear up most things in her reach. She does not play aggressively and is not an aggressive dog. She needs a home who is experienced with hyper dogs and most likely has a family who has time to give her the attention she needs. I prefer for her to be an inside dog considering that is what she's used to. She gets along with other dogs and love to be pampered by children. Other then that, She is 12 weeks old and weighs 2.5 pounds, she should be 3 to 4 pounds as an adult Princess is extremely loving she just requires a lot of attention. She will cuddle with you all night after a rough play time and loves to be wrapped up in a blanket at night. She's a really great sweet dog and if I could keep her I would. She is up to date on all shots but does need monthly nexguard and heart guard. If you are interested in Princess ,I will require an interview to know f you have handled pets this babies xxxxxx.xxxxxxx me if interested in her