Ad-This is important. Do I have your attention? Read through the end as this is a chance of a lifetime. You can’t put a price on love and these babies are sure to steal your heart. We have 8 puppies total. Born Monday, May 20th. The father is pure bread and the mother comes from pure bread heritage. This makes her exactly half bull dog, half pit bull. So these are true pit bullies. A friendly demeanor in a pet is everything. Both parents love people and have no issues with aggression. Their mother has gladly welcomed our help through this process and there are small children in this house who cuddle them daily. As a result, they are used to being held and loved by both adults and children. All puppies will have shots before adoption and will be ready by the end of July .There are 7 girls and 1 boy total. Only 2 of these puppies have names. This is where you come in. I need you to name a puppy. The sooner the better so they are use to the name you choose by the time they are ready to come home with you. Also in the meantime you will be free and encouraged to come visit your baby as much as you’d like so they are used to your smell, voice, and touch. It takes a lot of work to properly train a pitbull this is also what makes or breaks a good dog. I pride myself with my dog being such a good animal and I want to ensure these puppies turn out like their mother. To make this happen I am offering to train your dog for you, as part of this deal. My name is chance and this really is a chance of a lifetime. Don’t wait too long because these pups are priceless. At this time we only have 6 girls left to name. Give me a call before it’s too late. xxx-xxx-xxxx.