2 male akc French bulldogs ready Jan 16 will have shots dewormed vet check and special of..
I own the sire and dame which are both on site. Both Akc registered champions. Raised wit..
Shipping is $650 please call xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information. We have the best basenjis..
I am asking for the price I paid for him from a family friend. He is gray, 11 months old,..
Hello my name is Joey! I’m am 11 month old American Eskimo puppy. I’m very active and..
51/2 month old female 40lb Goldendoodle puppy. Has her vaccines, freshly groomed. Comes w..
Yorkie terrier black and gold needs a loving home. His name is Tohfee, he is 13 months ol..
Riley is an adorable and playful chocolate lab puppy. Her mom is a yellow lab and her dad..
Shipping is $650 please call xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information. We have the best basenjis..
4 month female, minpinch/chi, vetchecked, shots, lyme, flea, etc. Vet bill $325 playful, ..
Leo is a beautiful purebred chocolate lab. His mom is a yellow lab, and his dad is a magn..
Ruby, loves kids and needs to be the only dog in the home.. she loves cats!! She’s pape..
Clover turns 2 on April 15th. She loves kids, other animals, to snuggle and play. She is ..
I have Gorgeous Italian mastiff ICCF registeredfull blooded Cane CorsoPuppies Available N..
2 years old on April 20th. Great with kids! Loves to snuggle and play! Good with cats and..
puppies are ready to leave now and i have just a boy and a girl available contact for for..
11 weeks old AKC registered, red and white pure breed Siberian Husky! Very Friendly and l..
my lxvely pxmsky has had a litter xf puppies,bxys and girls available text at x x x x x x..
Christmas puppies available 12/19 3 females 1 male left Puppies will have first shots and..
She is spayed,10 months old, all shots.Tan in color with a black mask..
I have a Brindle Pit his names is Boomer, he is 2yrs old, he is very sweet, playful, cudd..
Red nose pit puppy/Male
My boyfriend and I received him from a friend of our who is a ..
Male* shots up 2date been chipped 10 months old Needs extra attention &I got a new jo..
Our AKC Bernese Mountain Dog puppies were born 11/13/2024. We have 5 males and 5 females ..
Have two male puppies born Jan 30th 2021 will be ready for Easter raised in our home with..
13 weeks. Born November 16, 2020. Current on shots, dewormed, papers with medical record ..
Breed: Bichon Poo
Sex: Female
Color: white and apricot
Age: 6 months (DOB 7/24/20)
Akc registerable beautiful white collie. Eight weeks male.Great with kids.Text for inform..
These pups were raised in our home/ full AKC dogs. Any questions email me or call. We hav..
We have both males & females. Please research the breed if unfamiliar and the costs a..
Looking for a loyal, playful, and loving companion? Meet Bodee, a 10-month-old direct imp..