Pomsky needing new home. Lovable, energetic, and affectionate. Neutered. All shots and va..
2 blue male puppies. Very friendly has had 3 puppy shots Dewormed and Microchiped
xxx x..
Hazel is a wonderful personality for families looking for a small to medium dog. Its dad ..
I have 2 akc registered golden retriever puppies left for sale...
Wanting to find a loving home for my 9 month old male Golden Retriever. He's very affecti..
They are about 5 months. Super playful, love walks and love spending time with you. We ca..
December 13 2019 birthday
Bluenose brindle
House and crate trained
Great puppy and dog..
I have 7 Frenchie bulldog puppies. There are 4 males and 3 females. They are akc register..
Hazel is a wonderful personality for families looking for a small to medium dog. Its dad ..
Fawn and black puppies available will be ready a week before Christmas make and females a..
Hello, we have a litter of 7 purebred chow chow puppies 5 females and 2 males they will b..
Charlie is half Great Dane half bulldog. He is a big baby and loves to snuggle with peopl..
Storm is 7/8 English Bulldog and she is very sweet. Storm loves attention and to be aroun..
Bernese Mountain Puppy Alert! Our beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog puppies are here ..
Meet Max! He is the sweetest most loves me little man! So relaxed and loves the company o..
I have a litter of pure breed german shepard pups going to be born around August 20th for..
He’s 2 years old, loves to cuddle , play and follow you. He’s the sweetest puppy ever..
Her name is koda. She was born May 1st. She loves to play. Good with babies and kids. She..
Shiba Inu meets Pembroke Welsh Corgi and out pops 8 DKC registered Shiba Corgis. All are ..
Cooper is a very energetic dog. He’s currently 8 months old know how to sit and is pott....
All pups are ready for new homes 7-15 they will be vet checked twice utd on shots dewormi..
Ready for new homes 7/22 will be utd on shots dewormings plus 2 vet checks before going h..
(He is not for sale.) Stud only,text xxx-xxx-xxxx hes a high mid.I ask 200 up front non-r..
Akc registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tail..
I have one female wolf hybrid. Low content 50%- . Born February 19th. Mother is 50%- timb..
high-mid wolf dogs.Will be around 60-70% timber wolf,unsure yet if they will be solid whi..
We currently have 4 males and 3 females ready to go to their fur-ever homes at on 7/1 at ..
Born on Christmas 2 males 1 female won’t be ready til February 20th we are doing a 200 ....
We’re heartbroken to rehome our 8-month-old male Samoyed puppy due to unforeseen family..
Six week old and ready for a new home! Siberian and Alaskan mix breed, well fed and super..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...