Brindi and Winston had 5 beautiful, healthy little girls that we are now accepting deposi..
Claudia and Lucky have 2 amazing little girls that are now ready for their forever homes...
Akc registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tail..
Great family pet, energetic, hypoallergenic, playful and loving furry puppies. Smart and ..
Female comes with harness and leash currently weighs 12 pounds. comes with 12 pounds of p..
These sweet adorible puppies are about 3mo old. Super sweet, very loving, playful, cuddle..
These sweet adorible puppies are about 3mo old. Super sweet, very loving, playful, cuddle..
4 week old puppies
5 girls 3 boys
They eat dry food already, n..
Akc registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tail..
Looking for someone who is interested in this puppy his father is full husky and mother i..
3 Chiweenie puppies for sale 1femail and 2 males. 8 weeks old they have had their 1st rou..
Adult Female French bulldog looking for good home. $1000 or best offer AKC registered (xx..
Jojo has most of his puppy shots also his rabies shot he has plenty of energy he loves to..
My girl's (pictured blond w/ dad) 2nd and final litter w/ same dad was born Sept 20, pups..
1 boy and 1 girl, perfect for Christmas gifts. They are vet checked and vaccinated. Mom a..
Chewy is a handsome 7lbs pure breed Pomeranian!! He’s good with people and kids but can..
Bam Bam is a very young solid white 4lbs Maltese who gets along with everyone and other p..
6 week old pups for sale need gone asap serious inquiries only..
Female Registered Mini Australian Shepard. Blue Merle born November 9th. First round pupp..
Just don’t have time for him I be working to much..
Beautiful litter of 6 pups born on October 17. They’ll be ready to go to their forever ..
2 female 1 male available at the beginning. Of January
More photos available upon reques..
Black pug puppies available at the beginning of January.
2 females and 1 male available..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..
Male (Oliver) & Female (Olivia) on-site they are both less than 5 pounds which make t..
This Black and Tan Merle Frenchie Bulldog Carries cocoa. Born 10/5/22..
***Includes a Free Stud Credit to a Full Fluffy Male if you buy full rights ****
$500 non-refundable deposit -Please message for additional pictures -Location Weatherford..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
Pug Will go home with current three plus sets of shots,four sets of Wormings. Mom is 15 p..
1 male available Gorgeous black & silver male Carlos- AVAILABLE Beautiful black &a..
ACA Pug ,Great lines ACA/AKC Champion Lines! current three plus sets of shots ,four sets ..