Sweet little girl mini doodle she is house trained to ring bell and go potty outside, she..
Mini Bernedoodle Puppies available for sale! Much more info with pictures and current pri..
I have a dame and sire English Cream Golden Retriever. They have puppies once or twice a ..
AKC Australian Shepherd puppies.These puppies will be scary smart with such a will to ple..
Husky/NewFoundland/Great Pyranese mix puppies, born on May 24th, 2024. 4 biys and 1 girl...
4 puppies for sale looking for their forever home prices negotiable..
Rose is a sweet pure bred eskimo, Dad is 20lbs and Mom is 12lbs.
She gets daily handlin..
Frenchton Puppies………Mom is French Bulldog and Dad is Boston Terrier. Two left both ..
I have a dame and sire English Cream Golden Retriever. They have puppies once or twice a ..
Petunia is a sweet girl, Dad is 20lbs and Mom is 12lbs, she will have a vet vist and firs..
We have 10 puppies that will be ready soon. They are 1/2 Gerbian Shepsky 1/2 Australian c..
A litter of 10 beautiful black labs. 5 males and 5 females. Dewormed and vaccinated. Read..
1 brown female, 7 white males. Beautiful! Great temperament, family raised. Contact for p..
Awesome male black and white. We have the best Basenjis. Call for all references and base..
This is a dainty little female fur baby! She has very fluffy soft and thick fur! Bella is..
Athena is a blue eyed doll! She is fun-loving and ornery when she wants to be, yet she is..
1 grey 2 merle ready for their forever home located in iowa..
These 5 week old F1B Mini Bernedoodle puppies are farm born and raised. Their mother Stel..
Both parents from working lines. Father retired police K9 and mother from police K9’s. ..
We have a litter of 10 boxer puppies - boys and girl’s available. Brindle, reverse brin..
Welcome this beautiful puppy to your family. He is 9 weeks old. Dewormed and up to date o..
12 week old french bull dog lilac . Looki g for his forever home..
This little fella is a sweet ball of fur with deep blue eyes! Beau is full of energy and ..
I have 4 female 3 male standard parti poodles for sale. These babies have been well socia..
Dudley is a gorgeous Purebred Siberian Husky with bright blue eyes and an irresistible fa..
3 Females- 2 White, 1 Salt an Pepper. 3 Males -2 White, 1 Salt an Pepper. Born April 26,2..
Sweet and playful, great distempered Sheepadoodles. A mini and standard mix. My puppies a..
Atlas is a female Black and white Newfoundland. She is very outgoing and vocal. She loves..
I've had to send you since 1985. I have three different bloodlines. I have the best speci..
Silver and white pups. 3 months old. Up to date on shots,spayed or neutered, vet checked,..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..