Pit bull puppies for sale. Born December 8th. They will be ready for thier new homes Febr..
7 month old rat terrier puppies in need of good home. They have shots and dewormed. They ..
These babies are AKC registered, age-appropriate vaccines, dewormed, started on puppy pad..
3 beautiful male yorkie pups left for rehoming. Please message me if interested..
Teddy-5 week old, male, wavy coat, Mini Goldendoodle. Socialized from birth, sweet loving..
Bailey-5 week old, Female, wavy coat, Mini Goldendoodle. Socialized from birth, sweet lov..
Utd on vaccines and deworming she had a full health exam to check for any birth defects h..
Meet these guys. They are wonderful with kiddos. we have 2 boys and a girl. we are lookin..
These babies are AKC registered, age-appropriate vaccines, dewormed, started on puppy pad..
Meet these 3 cuties. I have 3 boys available yet. Full AKC Registeration, micro chipped, ..
Long hair rare blue and white coloring she is just 1lb charting at under 5lbs full grown ..
Light golden retrievers. First shots wormed. Ready now...
European line AKC rust Doberman female Pup needs re-homing as I can't meet her needs. Nee..
AKC limited registration OFA health tested parents Hips/elbows & more DNA tested also..
• Full bred beagle puppy will be ready for his FUREVER homes in a few weeks!
•He is..
• Full bred beagle puppy will be ready for his FUREVER homes in a few weeks!
•He is..
I have 3 females needing homes .
One needs a little work with .
Any info needed please ..
I have five week old Siberian husky puppies for sale. Both parents are Siberian husky but..
Shipping is $650 please call xxx-xxx-xxxx for more information. We have the best basenjis..
Purebred light Golden Retriever puppies. The puppies have been wormed and had their first..
Yorkie poo Ten week old male
First round of shots
Cage included with..
Bailey, 1.5 year old Carolina Dog. Friendly, playful, and lovable. Call or text if intere..
Airedale puppies 3 months old shots .crate trained . Playful pups. Please text xxx-xxx-xx..
1 male available Gorgeous black & silver male Carlos- AVAILABLE Beautiful black &a..
Charming Lilac Frenchies ready,Chief is a handsome blue an tan fluffy carrier.TEXT 760xx8..
TEXT Number on puppy photo loves dry food, and fish... They would be great as a backyard ..
Adapting x French Bulldogs for adoption.adorable and a very very faithful
friend. great ..
Please help me I'm homeless. She needs a home.. she's 14 months old. Help me.help her. Sh..
Fve one svn five one eight four six six nine
Riley is a1 year old dog. Has grown up in..
Apri registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tai..
We are looking for a loving home for our dear puppy, he is ready to go. Pure breed, grown..
A litter of full blooded English Bulldog Puppies 3 males. Both mother and father on site...