Akc European Basset Hound puppies. Champion lines. Pedigree and puppy started included. 4..
Two outstanding puppies available! AKC registered Born September 13th Full..
Puppies are six weeks old. Just got there six week old puppy boosters. Born on November 1..
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Beautiful and loving French Bulldog puppies looking for our..
Here at Fair Play Berners we provide the highest quality Bernese mountain dog puppies!
Here at Fair Play Berners we provide the highest quality Bernese mountain dog puppies!
This is Gigi she is 16 mos old sweet girl . Need to be placed as i can not keep her anymo..
These puppies are AKC reg.up to date with there shots been vet checked and wormed and wor..
Puppies are six weeks old. Just got there six week old puppy boosters. Born on November 1..
New litter coming December 4th 2022. Here at Fair Play Berners we provide the highest qua..
South Carolina! Born 5/27/22. Both mom and dad goldendoodle is registered. Both mom and d..
I have 5 beautiful puppies, dad is XL & mom is standard..
Akc jhc dm clear Boston terrier puppies born April 22nd available Jun 17th 2 males 1 fema..
Awesome male black and white. We have the best Basenjis. Call for all references and base..
Akc jhc dm clear mom 22 pounds dad 18 pounds blue girl lilac boy available..
First set of shots born April 22nd available for pickup Jun 17th xxx xxx xxx8 four more d..
Born May2,2022 will be ready at 8 weeks. They will be dewormed and 1st set of vaccination..
Adorable Newfydoodle puppies, 8 weeks old, first vaccines, dewormings, microchipped and v..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..
5 GSP pups for sale. AKC Registered. Champion bloodlines. Single family raised and cared ..
I have two blue tick coon. Two years old. Seneca South Carolina..
I have five old English bulldog puppies white in color please call or text xxx-xxx-xxxx..
Took in a sweet rescue, Ruger. He is 1 year old, neutered, UTD on vaccinations. Fully tra..
Come get this beautiful young puppies. This puppies are available now . And one large adu..
1 black and tan male available
2 parti females
1 parti male
Mom is registered and dad ..
Born on Sept.21,2021 will be up to date on vaccines and ready for their families on Nov.1..
5 weeks old need to go to good home xxx xxx xxx9. They are full blooded german rockwaller..
I am selliing puppies they are German shepherd mix with lab they are one month old..
Hi, Puppies are $2500 Price includes ear crop and tail dock, ICCF breeding rights, puppy ..
2 males are available. At xxxx, we are dedicated to raising exceptional poodles that brin..
We have both males & females. Please research the breed if unfamiliar and the costs a..
Are you ready to welcome a bundle of joy into your home? Our precious mini poodles are lo..