AKC limited registration OFA health tested parents Hips/elbows & more DNA tested also..
Bernese Mountain Puppy Alert! Our beautiful Bernese Mountain Dog puppies are here ..
8 weeks old / puppy shots and paperwork
4 females 3 males
Mom and dad on site both regi..
We have 100% Golden Retrievers AKC registered puppies. Puppies are so playful ready to po..
Apollo is a great PIO. Like his breed, he is very protective of his tribe. He knows vario..
These are Tri color, fluffy carrier male French Bulldogs They were born 4/17/23 and is lo..
i have 7 puppies for sale 3 males 4 females they’ll come with they first round of shots..
i have 7 puppies for sale 3 males and 4 females they’ll come with the first round of sh..
8 weeks old / puppy shots and paperwork
4 females 3 males
Mom and dad on site both regi..
Max is nice and energetic. He gets along with both people and animals. He loves walks in ..
I have 2 males available 1 parti one traditional. males are 1500. We are located in distr..
American Bully Puppies..
Hey we have a Female French Bulldog puppy named Coco ready for a forever home…she’s a..
Gorgeous super cute tiny boy pomeranian 3.96 lb 18 weeks old Has all..
Adorable 8 week old Staffy mix puppies for sale. I have 5 girls left.They will be ready t..
Blue Merle short and compact. 2 years old never before Breed. Completely house broken. Ve..
The pups are six months old. They have had their series of shots. Males and females are a..
i have Akc parti and traditional yorkies available. Mom is a traditional parti and dad is..
This beautiful little lady is 10 weeks old. She’s up-to-date on her shots, Vet checked,..
we have serven, 2 months old puppies for sell
4 grils and 3 boys, if enterested call xxx..
Blue, Black and Brindle Females available, shots, ICCF Papers, Docked Tails, and Dewormed..
Breed: Yorkshire Terrier, DOB: xx/xx/xxxx, 2 Males/2 Females, ACA registered, Health: Pup..
4 girls left both boys are sold
Giant schnoodles will be ready to go home july 8th reho..
I have 9 female 5 week old Saffie/Boxer puppies. The father is a Boxer/Saffie mix and the..
Micro Chocolate Male frenchie AKC Registered Healthy, playful looking for a new home..
Bruno is a friendly puppy that likes to run in the sun! He is good with kids and loves be..
Bear is a 10 week old puppy. He is very playful and affectionate. He is also really intel..
I have 7 black brindle cane corso puppies for sale 8 weeks old, born on November 20th AKC..
Beautiful Old English Bulldogs for Christmas, nice size and color makes and female puppie..
I have a dame and sire English Cream Golden Retriever. They have puppies once or twice a ..
I am selling Mini American Shepard puppies. They were born on October 22nd and their eyes..