Ready a week before Christmas. We have 2 females and 2 males available. Dad is importred,..
Piper had her puppies and has 5 red boy available . Mom is red and weighs 10lb and dad is..
This beautiful little girl Chloe is looking for her furever home. She is UTD on shots and..
A very sweet calm playful puppy. Toto is so sweet, lovable, cuddly yorkie Pomeranian who ..
Marvelous yorkie puppies I have a male and a female purebred Yorkie available for adoptio..
We now have a new litter of Blue-eyed husky puppies. Full AKC registered ( with full bree..
Home raised, well socialized and very healthy male and female Maltese puppies available f..
Twinkle Toes Border Collie Puppies For Sale . Jenny and Mo had a very nice litter of 4 ma..
This beautiful little girl Chloe is looking for her furever home. She is UTD on shots and..
They are 5th generation puppies from our original imported dogs from England. They have t..
Male goldendoodle pups are now ready for new homes July 10 ., Apricot and cream Please ca..
Taking reservations on our next litter due in August.These are beautiful, loyal and smart..
Teacup Pomeranian pups for new home loving and caring home.Male and Female.They come with..
Here is Buster. He is UTD on shots and deworming. Located in xxxx. He would love to call ..
Adorable & GorgeousTeacup Yorkie Puppies for New Homes.Text us at xxx-xxx-xxxx
Top q..
SUPER TINY 3 lb male yorkie.
Very very small male yorkie will be 3 lbs dad is 2 lbs. Ras..
Born may 5 2015 2 left very very small Boston female light red color last male. Previous ..
Born may 5 2015 very very small Boston male seal/brindle color last male. Previous litter..
Here is Rusty he is UTD on shots and deworming. He has a great personality and loves to p..
Ready to go 1st week of June.
New Litter of 7 Cockapoo pups 5 boys and 2 girls!! Born A..
A5 month old puppy,
-well trained,
-very interjection,
-sweet, loving DOES NOT BIT, ..
We have been breeding for 13 years!! We give a lot of goodies to go home with you ..
mnbv Good Looking Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppies for sale ...
Here is Jimmy. He is UTD on shots and deworming. Located in xxxx. He would love to call y..
We have a litter of 2 fantastic puppies. They really are a credit to their breed. Perfect..
Amazing tea cup Yorkie puppies. They are parti carriers. 12 weeks old and are ready for t..
Adorable pomeranian puppies
Ready to go now, they come vaccinated, dewormed and vet chec..
Thoroughbred Mastiff.I am unfortunately moving house and dont have a
suitable property f..
Meet Arlo, he is an adorable 11lb 3 month old mini golden doodle! And he is looking for h..
Akc registered with papers and full breeding rights included
Dew claws removed and tail..
Beautiful Tiny, Red Malti-poo puppy. BBB Accredited Breeder with A+ Rating for over 12 ye..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...