we have . ragdoll kittens .a center point male. she cost 500.old enough to go now. has been to the vet. born 6/26/2023. ragdoll kittens born 8/4/2023 .3 solid chocolates .1 female /2 males .1 solid seal blue . cost 400 . we are taking deposits and names down on these litters photos of the ones for sale . are breeders and babies we have had . in the past. kittens come with vet check.shots . worming . flea treatment . inside cats . sweet and loving cats . very healthy . parents are DNA tested . no health problems in my lines . cats , big . smart . loving . protective over owner . love to follow you around . make great therapy cats . we love are babies they get the best of everything . cost by color . center points 500 / solid chocolates 350 / solid seal blue 400 . thanks. xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxx . xxx-xxx-xxxx katie .