Laali is a very sweet purebred Ragdoll kitten. She is 16 weeks old. She is timid and very playful in nature. She loves to snuggle around . She is TICA registered, up to date in her vaccinations and dewormed. She is a3 generation pedigree. She loves to being held in lap and doesn’t like being alone. She will come with her kitten dry food, feeding and water bowls, litter box, scratching tree, toys, bed and blanket. . We are looking for a nice loving home for Laali where she can get lots of love and attention. She has pure white fur with beige tail, pink ears and bright blue eyes. She loves to play and have fun with everyone. She brings so much joy and love all around. There’s never a dull moment around Her. We have to let her go as met with a accident and with sudden onset of extra financial expense and inability to take care of her led us to take this decision. Also my mother in law have Alzheimer’s and her condition is going downhill slowly so it’s gonna be hard to manage a pet with her. She will live with us now. We are located in Cary NC and are willing to drive few hours to find her a new home.