We got Starburst 7 years ago. She is 7 years old! I really want her new owner to be experienced, and for them to know how to handle scratches. She’s a great cat, but sometimes she has episodes where she attacks people. These episodes stem from her getting triggered. When she gets triggered she becomes scared, and tries to defend herself. In those times, she tends to attack whoever is next to her. All she needs is space, and she will calm down. We’ve tried till the very end to find different methods/ways to keep her with us. But ultimately, we had to give her up. In a positive light though, she’s truly a sweetheart. When she’s calm she’s the most kindest cat i’ve ever seen, she has amazing house manners, and she’s gorgeous as well!! I hope my profile reaches out too good cat owners. We truly want the best for our baby. It’s been an amazing 7 years, and we hope she continues to live a nice life at her new home<3