2 Pedigree Rhodesian Ridgeback Puppies for sale. We have 1 girl and 1 boy.These puppies are 12 weeks old and ready for their new forever homes.They have been micro chipped, vet health checked and have had their first vaccinations.The puppies have been brought up in a family environment with other dogs on a farm. Mum and Dad are our dogs and can both be seen. All Puppies have good ridges, are healthy and growing well.We have sent off for the puppies to be KC registered and its all good.They have been given the best start in life and are looking for their new family.With the current restrictions due to covid 19 we are more than happy to accept a deposit of £400 if people wish to do so.i can also arrange a pet courier for the safe delivery of your puppy should you need it.Pups will leave with5 generation KC certificate,4 weeks free KC insurance,Micro chipped,Wormed and flead today,Vet health check certificate and Puppy pack.If you have any more questions or wish to see more pictures please don't hesitate to get in touch with me via TEXT ON (xxx) xxx-xxx4