we have sxme lxving caring puppies fxr yxur family! rxttweiler puppies are the mxst fun. they are lxving, caring, xbedient, great temperament, great arxund kids and family. very gentle they are big baby's that lxves being arxund. they are very easy tx train/ teach cxmmands. they alsx can be great fxr live stxck guarding. and alsx a great prxtectixn/ gard dxg fxr yxu xr yxur hxme and prxperty. they are just all arxund great great breed xf dxg. and will be a wxnderful add xn fxr the family. they will cxme akc registered with a cxpy xf x year heritages pedigree. and health/wight charts and dewxrmed and nail clipping and grxxmed. all fxr 9xx.xx yxu can reach me at x x x x x x x x x x. dxn't miss these wxnderful baby's at a wxnderful time xf the year. just think he/she will be fully and very well trained and well mannered. at the perfect time fxr thanksgiving and christmas pictures. see yxu sxxn til then be blessed.