i have x savannah m0nit0rs and d0nt have any time f0r them im m0ving int0 a smaller h0me and w0nt have r00m f0r them there n0r the time due t0 a new b0rn baby ab0ut t0 be here.the male savannah m0nit0r is the smaller 1 "n0t by much" and he is abiut 3 years 0ld. the female i have is 0bvi0usly the bigger 1. and she is ab0ut 3 and a half. there temperment is really g00d and they l0ve t0 g0 swimming. and bask al0t. if s0me1 feels yhe need t0 c0ntact me directly my n0. is "x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x.