facetime available: xxxxxxxxxx ex0tic sc0ttish f0ld fancier. “susie” beautiful sc0ttish f0ld queen fr0m sc0tland. susie is the queen 0f sc0ts. related t0 the first sc0ttish f0ld kitten named susie. queen susie is ready t0 g0 h0me t0 a l0ving and kind family. susie is gentle , very affecti0nate and l0ves purring. happy playful kitty. susie is vaccinated, and dew0rmed. vet. checked, healthy, n0 virus neg. i have vet. rec0rds and hist0ry pedigrees certificati0n. c0me meet susie she’s a g0rge0us kitty kat. please c0ntact me 0r facetime at xxxxxxxxxx.