6 Months old. Female. Basenji. She is Brown/White tips/Bicolor. She is a Medium sized dog (26.60 pounds). She was born 08/19/2015. She's getting the hang of potty training and house training so far. She loves to cuddle and she is playful but also very calm. She is great inside the house. She knows the word "sit". She is up to date on vaccinations and has had rabies vaccination to prevent rabies. She is microchipped and she also tested negative for heart worms. She is also spayed. We named her Cyprus but she does not know her name yet so you could always re-name her. She is a very sweet dog and loves to go on walks. She is good with other dogs and children. I just can't have dogs at the apartment complex I live at so I need to get rid of her as soon as possible. If any questions please contact me at xxx-xxx-xxxx. Price is $250