Looking for forever homes for my last 2, 9 month old pups. Fully vaccinated and up to date with shots, rabies and microchips. These to beautiful boys were born on 4/2/2022. They are mixed with Border Collie/lab retriever (mom) and German shepherd/Cocker spaniel (dad). They are both boys and are good with people and other animals. Ace has green eyes and is tri color and is a sweet beautiful big boy that weighs about 80 lbs and is still growing and thinks he is a lap dog and just loves love. Bear is a sweet all chocolate beautiful green eye’d boy that weighs about 46 lbs and just wants to be around someone who loves him all the time. If you are interested or know anyone that is interested please let me know. I have all photos and videos from when they were born also if you want to see more.