I have 1 female and 3 males available now will be 8 weeks old on Tuesday! Beautiful and p..
6 wk old MORKIE (Maltese/Yorkie) puppies. 3 Females &1 Male..
Looking for a loyal, companion? My beautiful Amerixan Bully puppies are ready to join the..
Good bloodlines: Parents have ofa clearance on eyes, cardiac, thyroid, hips and elbows. A..
Newfoundland Shepadoodle mix puppies, born January 13th 2023. 2 males 5 females. Up to da..
This sweet boy will be 5 weeks old tomorrow. His mom is a reverse F1B Sheepadoodle and da..
Dream is a beautiful, five month old, loving, cuddly, sheepadoodle. We brought her home a..
Litter of 9 beautiful healthy babies arrived 01/19. We have 5 babies left. Mom is a F1 sh..
Looking for a loyal, companion? My beautiful Amerixan Bully puppies are ready to join the..
Both male. 8 weeks old. Up to date on vaccines and dewormed. These little babies will mak..
I have four sheepadoodle puppies for sell. I have three rare apricots and one black and w..
Mylo is a7 pound sheepadoodle who is 3 months old. She is friendly, energetic, and very s..
4 month old Sheepadoodle for sale. Crate, bed, dog food, treats, training pads, playpen, ..
These black and white adorable Great Danes are looking for their forever homes. They were..
Ashby is a2 year old sheepadoodle needing a loving home with a big yard to run. Ashby lov..
Jack was born on July 4th 2022, he weights about 65 lbs and may still grow more. He is a ..
Beautiful 8-month-old female Sheepadoddle, very smart.Makes a great family pet! Needs a l..
Ready March 3rd
First round of shots, dewormed, microchipped
Started on kennel and pott..
6 week old french bulldog puppies. Litler of 8, six females and 2 males. AKC registered. ..
F2 Sheepadoodles F2 is the second generation of an F1. These dogs are very loyal and are ..
Hi Guys ! We’ve got beautiful newborn puppies, F1B standard Sheepadoodles.
They will b..
These puppies are 9 weeks old. Dad is a Maltipoo and mom is a Sheepadoodle. Please contac..
The cutest most loveable Sheepadoodle puppies. Born Dec. 10th. 8 weeks old on Feb. 4th. P..
AKC registered 18 month old parti yorkie
white black tan
smart loyal very sweet..
Sheepadoodle Maltipoo mix puppies for sale. They are 9 weeks old. First shots given. They..
These sweet babies are 14 weeks old and are ready to find their FURever homes. They are t..
Beautiful sheepadooles. 4 males and 1 female. 7 weeks old. Mom is AKC OES and dad is AKC ..
Loving sweet indoor raised with mom and dad as family pets. Vetted 1st shots and all worm..
Call xxx xxx xxx2 for more information. Located in xxxx. Best basenjis around...
I have 4 male Yorkshire terrier puppies for sale 1 is the traditional color 2 are spotted..
I have 3 male Maltese Puppies, with AKC Paperwork. Both parents are registered wit..
11 Purebred German Sjepherd Pups Born 11/13 just in time for Christmas Day! We have 9 lef..