Absolute CUTEST litter of mini sheepadoodles born April 20th! Some of the most beautiful and unique markings you’ll find! Ready now! We have 3 males and 1 female left. One beautiful blue-eyed male. These are TRUE minis. Females will be 20-25 lbs full grown and males will be 25-35lbs. and this particular litter is truly special. Each and every puppy have amazing and wonderful temperaments! Currently sleeping through the night! As experienced breeders, we only breed our dogs that have been vet health tested and cleared for breeding. As a family of eight these puppies are very well socialized, showered with daily kisses and hugs and very used to children/people by the time they go to their new homes. Mom is our beautiful F1 mini sheepadoodle with blue eyes, dad is a one of kind moyen parti-poodle which makes these darlings f1b. Both parents have wonderful temperaments! All puppies have had dew claws removed, dewormed and first set of shots. They will go home with a puppy care package which will include their vet health papers.