Shiba Inu meets Pembroke Welsh Corgi and out pops 8 DKC registered Shiba Corgis. All are ..
I have 11 beautiful puppies available. Full American pitbull. I have 5 males and 6..
3 males NAPR Registered ShihTzu's. Born 8/19/2024 Ready for their forever home. S..
ABKC 8 week old puppies paperwork in hand all update on shots and deworm the other pictur..
Kogetsu is a2 month Black/Tan, male Shiba Inu looking for a forever home. Purebred, he is..
We raise these cute and loveable puppies on our small family farm out in the country. The..
We have a beautiful little male and a female still available from our Sept 12th litter. P..
I have a2 year old pure bred male shiba Inu for sale I have moved and can’t have him an..
3 males NAPR Registered ShihTzu's. Born 8/19/2024 Ready for their forever home. S..
I have a4 month old pure bred female shiba Inu for sale. She is sweet and lovable. She lo..
He was born March 21,2020 his name is falkor he is a good dog super spunky!very active,he..
Denver is about 35 pounds, tan with white and black markings. Neutered. Behaviorally he i..
Fully up to date with shots and potty trained. Very energetic and playful. Quirky persona..
Female Siberian Husky. Has had her first shots and has been wormed twice. Located in xxxx..
Female shiba inu. Both of her parents are from Japan with pedigrees. She is registrable. ..
Beautiful Shiba Inu puppy.
10 week old (male).
Needs a new home.
Puppy Pin included.
.I want them to heve a gret home .were thay can be happy and give happiness in your famil..
I am just as cute in person, if not even cuter! You don't have to bother looking anymore ..
AKC 5 Males 4 Females Excellent bloodlines. Czech German Shepard working line dogs from a..
Hi! I’m selling this beautiful girl! She is very playful and fun. I’m moving out so I..
Hi! I’m selling my puppy. I won’t be able to take care of her anymore since i’m mov..
Meet Sadie! A cuddly Shiba Inu puppy in Carrollton, GA who is curious, energetic, and rea..
Both parents are pure shiba inus. White cream color from a litter of 5. Health and very a..
Adorable brindle puppies ready to join their forever homes NOW!..
full Shiba Inu puppies,,pls Email me :
Shiba Inu Puppies ..... For more info and pics TEXT ONLY AT:xxx-xxx-xxxx
10 weeks old shit inu puppies
They all have recent shots
I have my pure bred shiba Inu puppy for sale. Female white born 5/6/21 I have all her pap..
standard poodle puppies for sale born Nov 24 black and red males and females ready for ne..
Looking for a good home for Mars since our daily activities do not allow us to give him a..
Beautiful Rottweiler puppies 10 wks old. Tails docked, dewormed, up to date on shots. Ver..
! large male puppy and two females left first come first serve AKC dogs..