These malshipoo are a healthy breed of miniture poodle, shih tzu, and maltise. I have three girls and two boys available. Their mom panda is Malshipoo and their dad is a maltipoo. Together they make a perfect combo of adorable, beautiful and happy lapdog. Mom is about 10 lbs and dad is about 13 lbs. both parents are perfectly healthy and our home pets that love attention and need cuddles. These Puppies have been born into a home with children and other pets, they get cuddles and pets regularly and are in a clean environment. All will get shots at recommendation of 8 weeks ( also deworming and flea meds) and be ready for new homes by November 16. I will include a weeks worth of food, belled collar for safety, chew toy that has home smell for adjusting to new home, and certificate of birth/ breed info. I make local sales to the pacific north west U.S.A. Pups come with one year guarantee of health. Black and white spots-male Black pup with white tips like mom- male White with black spots- male Cinnamon- female White with black spots- female Beautiful apricot- female Pictures of mom ( black and white) and dad (blonde/apricot) Any other questions? I’d be happy to answer ; just call at xxxxxxxxxx