It's the holidays, the perfect time to purchase a new addition to your family. This litter had five puppies, two females and three males. Winter is a beautiful baby!!! Super sweet!!! Will give you a lot of love and make you happy!!! He has a very shiny coat that's white with red and black markings. Mom and dad are on the premises, mom is white with gold markings and dad is solid gold with white markings. They both weigh 9 lbs. We are small home breeders with 11 years of experience. A nonrefundable deposit of $400 will hold the puppy for you till the day of pick up. We use PayPal as a secure website for the buyer and the seller. All puppies will have all shots/deworming UTD and are ready to go to a good home! We also ship puppies for an additional $400. If you have any questions please contact me at or xxx-xxx-xx-xx Thank you for looking at our ad, have a wonderful holiday!!!!!