Hi and thank you for looking at our ad. This litter of 6 males is absolutely gorgeous!!! Boys are all different beautiful colors!!! They all will have very shiny coats. Mom and dad are on the premises, mom is a beautiful white and red female and dad is red/white markings. They both weigh 9 lbs. We are small home breeders with 12 years of experience. A non refundable deposit of $ 400 will hold the puppy for you until the day he will be able to go home. We use PayPal as a secure website for the buyer and seller. All puppies will have shots/deworming UTD and will be ready to go home before or after 03/01/17. We also ship puppies for an additional $400. Puppy price $1000 is limited AKC registration, additional $500 for full AKC. Please read our reviews If you have any questions please contact me at xxxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx or text xxx- xxx- 66-83