Now taking a deposit for an adorable female Shih Tzu puppy. She is looking for her forever home. She was born on 5/20/16. Shih Tzu's are non-shedding and hypoallergenic. she comes with her first shots, blanket, stuffed snuggle toy, bag of food, and dishes. She will be paper trained when she leaves. I have been raising Shih Tzu's for over 17 years. I have lots of references available. She has been raised inside our home (along with my dawg kids) and will have full run of my home. She has been loved and snuggled all day long since the day she was born (she comes pre-spoiled!) Quality Loving Homes ONLY! We are located in Kalamazoo, MI. $900 and up depending on pedigree. Cash only. Call xxx-xxx-xxxx if interested and leave a message and I will return your call ASAP.