VERY Smart African Grey Parrot
One of the best birds you could ever ask for. Very well behaved and extremely smart. Dances, waves, sings, laughs. Good with other animals, very nice bird.6 years old. YES.. I VERY MUCH HAVE THIS BIRD. VERY LEGITIMATE POST 2800 xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Amazon Parrot (Friendly, talks)
super d0cile bird. kn0ws ar0und xx/6x w0rds. been ar0und 0ther animals and kids. xxyr. can laugh just like an 0lder lady w0uld laugh, picks up new things quickly. l0ves t0 dance. all ar0und a w0nderful bird. barter c0nsidered. xxxx just the bird 0f xxxx w/cage xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Friendly African-Grey (Does talk)
extremely smart! kn0ws hundreds 0f w0rds. friendly. xyr. w/cage 3xxx (amaz0n avail as well xxxx) xxxxxxxxxx txtView Detail
7 year old congo African grey parrot
I have a7 year old congo African grey. He was handfed when he was a baby. Has been in his cage awhile without being handled a lot. He does talk and mimics sounds . My asking amount is a low more then fair firm amount . Contact # xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
LOOKING for Grey, Macaw, Eclectus or Amazon
i am l00king f0r a c0mpani0n bird, macaw, grey, amaz0n, eclectus 0r similar? i am able t0 travel t0 indiana, 0hi0, illin0is, michigan, kentucky, pennsylvania if need be t0 find the right fit f0r me. i have experience. will pay a reh0me c0st 0f c0urse. i will n0t send anything via electr0nic payments. d0 n0t even attempt, i will n0t send y0u anything until seeing the bird in pers0n. xxx. xxx. xxx5. is best. any questi0ns f0r me, feel free t0 ask.View Detail
Umbrella Cockatoo VERY friendly
she is extremely sweet. she has never attempted xr ever even tried tx bite any1. has never met a stranger. gets alxng with every1, will step up fxr absxlutely any1 with nx hesitatixn. dxes talk and knxws abxut xx wxrds xr sx, lxves tx laugh and dance. she is nxt a lxud bird by any means, she dxes nxt scream she dxes nxt hxller and get lxud and wild. she is very very relaxed and calm. she dxes wxnderfully with children as well and is very very very well sxcialized. every1 is her friend and she lxves tx cuddle up if yxu've gxt cxvers, she's xn yxur lap in them, she is a very sweet sweet bird. very pretty feathering and eats a fruit and veggie diet with pellets added. *rehxme is nxt due tx any fault xf hers* i want tx be very clear abxut that as she dxes nxthing that wxuld cause any1 tx ever want tx find her a hxme. besides life changes. will stay xn a stand if placed xn 1 until yxu get her dxwn. i can't say enxugh gxxd things abxut her. she's just a great girl whx deserves the wxrld. feel free tx thrxw a xffer if yxu are unable tx dx asking, will wxrk with sxme1 but wxn't give her away. 2xxx w/cage 2xxx withxut text anytime. thank yxu. may cxnsider trading but must be arxud same as asking. may cxnsider a reasxnable xffer as well. i dxn't answer calls i dx nxt knxw. best tx text. sx x x. x x x x x x xView Detail
Tamed African Grey Male and Female Parrots
Tamed African Grey female parrots. Gets along with other birds . Vet checked and sexed. Very sweet parrot if she is use to you.View Detail
Baby African Grey Parrots
4 months old Babies African Grey Parrots ready for adoption.If you are interested live me a massage with your number for quick respondView Detail