Make umbrella cockatoo
Hi is a7 year old male umbrella cockatoo, very sweet and loves attention.View Detail
Red couple . Looking for a New home
Spanish red male singer . Mosaic orange female . Cash only . Includes cage . We travel often for work so we need to relocate our birds to a new home . Lake worth FLView Detail
Sun Conure adult breeders
Two pairs of proven breeders guaranteed have had many babies from these pairs over the last 3 years.Just pulled babies last week so there ready to go.View Detail
Babys lovebird Hand feed
Babys lovebird. They are 25 days old. One is cobalt and the other is violet. They are brothers. Raised and cared for by hand with much love, they are ringed. Ready for a new home, they still need to be fed formula up to 50 days, we will give you instructions for your food. Perfect time for your pet. EACH: $50.00 ESPANOL:Tienen 25 dias de nacido. Uno es de color cobalto y el otro de color violeta. Son hermanos. Criados y cuidados a mano con mucho amor, estan anillados. Listos para un nuevo hogar, todavia necesitan ser alimentados con formula hasta los 50 dias, le daremos instrucciones para su alimentacion. Tiempo perfecto para su mascota. $50.00 dolar cada uno.View Detail
Lovebird adults
5 black mask lovebird. All for $200. They have 15 month old. Ready to breeding. We do not know the sex.View Detail