French bulldog
Akc French bulldogs. 5 males and 3 female. Will be ready for forever homes June 28th and will be vaccinated and dewormed by a vet. Starting at 3k. Both parents on sight. Text xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
French Bulldog
2 males available. 9 weeks old, sable and tan point with full AKC. Vet cleared and microchipped. First shot done and currently deworming. Ready for forever home. Please text or call xxx-xxx-xxxx if interested. I can setup a video call or meet at a safe trade/police station. Thank you.View Detail
French bulldog puppies
AKC French bulldog puppies looking for their forever home! Blue and tan triple carriers and blue sable, blue fawn triple and quad carriers! xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
French Bulldog Pups Akc.
Hello! And Happy Fall To Ya'll!!♡ I have 7 Beautiful and Health Guaranteed Akc French Bulldog Puppies Available! Shots and de-Wormings are up to date. They were born September 18th 2019. Sp they are 8 weeks old! These guys are Fanily raised and loved! They have been raised arou d children as well and love the little ones♡ they will be small. Mommy weighs 19.01 pounds and Daddy weighs 24. Full akc is available as well as limited registration for pet home. There is 4 girls and 3 boys♡ i have 5 blues(male and female), and 2 blue fawns(1 male, 1 female). Please if you have anymore questions or are interested in these little guys, feel free to text or call me at anytime. If you call and reach my voicemail, you can leave a message and i will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for looking and have Blessed Holidays!♡View Detail
Female French Bulldog
Female french bulldog born 3/29/2016 she has been DNA'd from UC Davis and her DNA is d/d, B/b, ay/ay. Dad is 100% chocolate and mother is blue pied!View Detail