Akc golden retriever puppy
Meet fraya. She was born July 2022 and is currently 8 months old. She is up to date on shots. She does come with her Akc breeding rights. Fraya will also come with food a food bowl leash and collar. She’s super smart and sweet; however she does need training. She was a puppy from Princess’s litter. I do own princess. She is a very gentle loving smart girl. Princess is a huge cuddle bug and loves to swim. Her father is Nixon. I do not own him. He’s a sweet and kind boy. He also loves to cuddle and swim. Fraya is good with other dogs. I have never seen her around cats. Fraya is an active puppy.text xxxxxxxxxx for more information or picturesView Detail
Teacup Goldendoodle Puppy Female
Hypoallergenic Designer Puppy, DNA & genetically proven Female: $2500 Meet our tiny & gorgeous little Primrose. She is as calm as she is sweet & snuggly, and she happens to be the smallest of the litter. She has a deep golden-apricot gentle-waved coat, and the teddybear characteristics of shorter snout and rounded face. She is absolutely adorable! Unlike many breeders, we go to painstaking lengths to practice responsible breeding & whelping. Every measure has been taken to ensure great health and longevity in our puppies, setting them apart in the best way. They are also raised in a clean home amongst family, training them to family life, sounds & experiences of all family types. This sensory stimulation cultivates behavior that is less anxious. Teacup goldendoodles grow to an average size of 7-15 lbs., have docile temperaments, and are perfect sized for everyone, from traveler to the home bound. They are large enough to remain in crate without needing repeated potty breaks through the night, and with people-pleasing & intelligent natures, they are quick to potty train. We will send a new puppy pack with comfort & training items, food, treats, and tips to continue their health and training regimens as well as instruction for continued vaccine schedule and maintenance. No guess work! Thanks so much for your interest. Here’s the full specs list: *Hypoallergenic Coat *Full DNA & genetic panel through Embark *TESTED AND CLEARED of the following Breed-related (poodle) conditions: Von Willebrand Disease Type 1, Progressive Retinal Atrophy, GM2 Gangliosidosis, Degenerative Myelopathy, Neonatal Encephalopathy with Seizures, Osteochondrodysplasia, Intervertebral Disease Type I, *TESTED AND CLEARED of 202 additional Dog-related conditions *Does not carry ALT variant *Teacup adult size: 7-15 lbs *Vet Certified Bill of Health Included *First vaccine application *4x deworming application * High quality puppy food and supplementation *Crate training & early stage potty training *FaceTime Breeder & Puppy interview— meet your puppy, peace of mind purchase *Go Home Date: October 15, 2022 Parent Information: Ruby: 15 lb Small Scale Miniature Goldendoodle, Beautiful wavy-red coat, Medium-sized muzzle (teddy bear face) Alfie: 5 lb Pure-blood Toy Poodle, Beautiful wavy-red/white coat, Short-sized muzzle (teddy bear face) $500 Non-refundable deposit required. Balance required before transfer. Acceptable payment method for non-refundable deposit include: Cash (preferred), Venmo, Apple Pay, PayPal. Petflight delivery quotes available for U.S. residents.View Detail