Black Labradoodle needs a home!
6 month old labradoodle for sale name Jaxson. He’s a energetic and loving puppy. He does need to be trained, but as his age it won’t be hard to mold him into a great addition for your family! Unfortunately, I am unable to care for Jaxson and need to find him a home quickly as I’m moving out of state late May. If you’re interested please contact me at or xxx-xxx-xxxx. Thank you!View Detail
Wonderful Labradoodle for sale!
I have a6 month old Labradoodle name Jaxson. He’s a sweet and energetic pup. Unfortunately due to my work/life balance I’m not able to give Jaxson the quality of life he deserves. I want to put him with a good family. Jaxson has all of his shots (I can provide the paperwork), and he’s completely healthy. Jaxson right now is a bit over 20lbs. If you’re interested please don’t hesitate to contact me!View Detail