AKC Pembroke Corgi champion lines
Champion lines AKC registered male puppy. This is Calico he is 10 weeks old and ready for his forever home. He really loves attention and is pretty mellow. Raised on a farm he is socialized with lots of other animals. He is DM and VWD clear. Current on vaccinations and deworming he comes with the two-year Health guarantee and will be microchipped. He is a very sweet boy and would make a great companion. Call or text xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail
AKC champion lines Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy
Champion lines AKC registered male puppy. This is Rhino he is 10 weeks old and ready for his forever home. He really loves attention and wants to follow you everywhere you go. Raised on a farm he is socialized with lots of other animals. He is not at risk for DM and is VWD clear. He is current on deworming and vaccinations. He is microchipped and also comes with a two year health guarantee. He is a very sweet boy and would make a great companion! Call or text xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail