Boxer puppy Female Brindle
Beier River Boxers has 1 female brindle left from a litter of 9. She was born on 7/12/24 so she was 6wks on 8/23/24. While we have them they get two rounds of vaccinations & boosters with vet exams at 6wks & 9wks. She will go home with vet records current puppy food bag collar toys & treats. We do ask for a deposit to hold your puppy & final payment due at puppy pickup which this litter will be 9/16/24. We do have a website with lots more information xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxView Detail
BJI Puppies
Nisha is a fast growing girl. At 8 weeks old she’s ready for loving family that loves to snuggle! For an $300 down payment, you would be able to claim this puppy. Luna also has 4 more sisters and 4 more brothers!View Detail