Sporty shorties!
Babies will be ready in 5 weeks. I have 4 males and 1 female. We breed for active and athletic dachshunds, their dad easily hikes 8 miles in the mountains! He is also a 4H obedience, rally, and showmanship champion. Mom and dad are health tested, patella luxation has been done on dad. We give all age appropriate shots and pups will come with health certificates from the vet. We also give a1 year health guarantee. Puppies are raised with other animals, introduced to stimuli, introduced to children, noises, toys, puppy pads, and more! $200 deposit for your pick. $2200 total - full AKC rights. If you have any questions please let me know!View Detail
Mini longhair dachshunds
AKC mini longhair dachshunds, they are home raised, puppy of started, kennel training started, microchipped, health checked and have vet books, parents are health tested, they get regular nail trims and grooming to prep for their new family. They have a6 month health guarantee and are AKC registered. xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
outstanding English Mastiff
text here . Sparkle is an outstanding English Mastiff puppy with a nice sturdy build! This gorgeous gal can be registered with the AKC, plus comes with a health guarantee provided by the breeder. She is vet checked and up to date on shots and wormer. Sparkle is family raised, loves being with the children, and she likes to romp around and play.View Detail
stunning Boston Terriers
Here comes Wendy xxx-xxx-xxxx! This stunning Boston Terrier puppy is full of life and can’t wait to put a smile on your face. Wendy is vet checked, up to date on shots and wormer, plus she also comes with a6 month genetic health guarantee provided by the breeder.View Detail