Puggle puppies
4 week old puppies. Two boys will be ready for their forever home August 9th. Born june 14View Detail
Loving puppy
Imagine a dog that is overflowing with joy and affection. With an infectious playful attitude, this furry friend is always ready for an endless play session. His bright eyes reflect his unconditional affection, and his tail never stops wagging with excitement. He is the perfect companion to fill your life with laughter and unconditional love.View Detail
I have 5 cane Corso puppies 3 gray 2 black /brindle orange brown 3 boy
They are coming with the tails done coming with all the paperwork and shots .. I will sell the litter if needed they are a week old todayView Detail
yorkipoo/ puggle
born dec 1.. I have 2 male and 2 females available. Kid friendly, Loves to cuddle and play with their littermates. Puppies are almost potty trained. Ready for their forever home. call/text xxx-xxx-xxxxView Detail
yorkiepoo/puggle pups looking for forever home
YorkiePoo/Puggle puppies playful, sweet cuddly , kid friendly pups. Ready for forever home. Born dec1 ,23. 2 boys 4 girls. .View Detail
puppies need forever home
yorkiepoo/puggle puppies looking for forever home. 4 girl and 2 boys. Kid friendly 8week old pups born dec1st. ready to go home January 26th.View Detail