Mal Shi Puppies Available
We have 1 male and 4 female Maltese & Shih Tzu mixed puppies. They were born on Feb. 9th and should be ready for a new home on April 7th depending on if they are fully weaned. Our puppies are raised by hand with love in our home. They love listening to lullabies & classical music. These are miniature babies and will grow to be anywhere from 5-10 lbs. We are asking for $2200. $500 deposits are required to hold the puppy for you and will be applied to the final balance. We do ask a few screening questions to make sure our puppy is a right fit for you. If we do not feel the home would be a good fit for the puppy, we will be happy to refund any paid deposit. Otherwise, the deposit is non-refundable. We offer weekly updates with photos of your puppy’s progress & growth. We are always available to do ZOOM meetings so you can see your puppy in action! All puppies go home with a puppy care package that includes food, treats, toys, a blanket with momma’s scent, some puppy pads and vaccination records. They will have had their first round of shots and deworming. When they leave, they will get a complimentary puppy spa day (bath, blow dry, nails cut, eyes, ears, and paws done). We are located on Camano Island, WA. Please contact me with any questions. Milo - Text (xxx)xxx-xxxxView Detail
New Year Cane Corso puppies available now
Great temperament and lots of personality We have males and females availableView Detail
Border Collie puppies
We have six Border Collie puppies for sale. Momma is a smooth coat and dad is a long coat. We have 2 reds and 4 blacks. Please reach out to my email or phone number for more information.View Detail