Shih-Poo For Sale in Mercer County (1) | Petzlover

6 SHIHPOO puppies. White AND brindle available

Shih-Poo Puppies for sale in Celina, OH 45822, USA. price: $500This litters was born on January 20, 2015 and are ready for their new homes anytime. There are 3 females and 3 males in the litter. Males are priced at $500 each and females are priced at $525 each. Some are white with brindle markings and some are brindle colored. They are up to date on shots and wormings and are ready for their new homes anytime. This is a mix breed between a Shih tzu and a poodle. They are NON shedding dogs. Currently they are eating Eukanuba small breed puppy food. I only accept cash for payment. I do NOT offer any type of shipping on them so if you are not within driving distance of Celina, OH 45822 please do not inquire about them. Please look up my location prior to contacting me. If you have any questions or would like to meet them in person please call/text xxx-xxx-xxxx or email xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxView Detail