Super Adorable Shih Tzu puppies. Text (xxx) xxx-xxx9
Super Adorable Shih Tzu puppies left 2 boys and 2 girls from a litter of 6. They were born and raised in our home. They are upto date dew claws are removed. They will have there last shots soon and be ready to go to there new homes now both of them live with me. Puppies are update on shots and vaccines also friendly with kids and other home pets. Serious buyers should only Text ME at (xxx) xxx-xxx9 . for more recent pics and more info..Free Shipping is Included.View Detail
Adorable K.c. Reg Pups
Our beautiful Carolina has had litter of puppies. They all gold and white. Mum has an outstanding pedigree with many champions. Her mum LTU CH TCI HSI Fyfa lasiniu piliakalnis and her dad EST CH Thunderclap heartbreaker. And pupps dad Zeus ( Dream a Dream ) carries an outstanding current pedigree and is an excellent example of the breed and has been shown at Crufts level.View Detail