Absolutely stunning male lilac point Siamese wedgehead kitten. His personality will knock you off your feet. He is a master and he lets you know it. He is 11 weeks old and ready to join his new forever family. His cost of $1000.00 is for show quality only. Breeder rights are a bit higher. His stance is perfect and he has already been trained to show. He comes with shots, vet check, deworming and of course, Love. He will not last long so if you wish to make a deposit on him with PayPal, my email is [email removed] The deposit is $250.00. He also has the deep cry of a baby and he lets you know when he wants something. He has been raised with a loving family and is used to older children. All of our parents are Feline Leukemia Tested and are on premises. Call siameseifyoupleeze at xxx-xxx-xxxx if you have any questions. We are located in Ashtabula, Ohio. This is exactly 50 minutes East of Cleveland, Ohio.