Puppies are 8 weeks dewormed, first set of shots , very loveable and playful ready to spe..
We have two Shepherd puppies left one male and one female. Our puppies are pure bred AKC ..
Pug puppies born xx-xx-xx. Vet checked and dew claws removed. First shots and deworming. ..
Bandit is a mixture of Shitzu and bichon Frese. He is the last puppy that I have left. He..
Husky puppies 7 weeks old ready for a new home. 3 females &2 males. if interested ple..
I've been doing this for 3 years. My name is Alicia. I am not a back yard breeder I treat..
Beautiful, playful, loving, 3 month old girl husky for sale. Currently being called “Ra..
Female husky pup for sale, red and brown color, 2.5 months old comes with papers..
Pug puppies born xx-xx-xx. Vet checked and dew claws removed. First shots and deworming. ..
We just got this puppy and I don’t really have time for her with school and work she’..
AKC registered,second shots and wellness check.Playful and friendly...
I have 3 purebred male husky puppies born June 21st.Ready for their furever homes August ..
Price is negotiable, she’s 11 weeks old she has her vaccinations. I also have her pedig..
Beautiful female Dogo Argentino 6 months old. Loving, loyal, and medically cleared...
Her name is Skye 16 weeks old, blue eyes. A bit shy at first but once she gets to know yo..
We have two males and three females puppies that were born on 5/7/22..
Need loving home for my husky pup. She is 10 weeks old. Blue eyes and brown/red fur...
We have a puppy that we bought for $450 two weeks ago. She is Husky by breed. Our 16 mont..
we have babies.4 females left. born 12/6/2024. babies cost 1500. we are taking deposits d..
I have a litter of beautiful Siberian huskies not registered but if you are looking for r..
I have 5 males and 3 females were born 5/24/22. Will come with 6 weeks shots and a toy...
i have 2 puppies both black and white. they will be 8 weeks old by June 8th, 2022. you co..
I really need to find a good home for my 10 year old husky/shepherd mix. He does not get ..
AKC FRENCH BULLDOGS STARTING $2500.00 Text or Call xxx-xxx-xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..
Frost is very loving & sweet he is very compatible with children & elders frost i..
This sweet boy is in need of a loving family with lots of backyard space!
My Siberian..
This sweet boy is in need of a loving family with lots of backyard space!
My Siberian..
This sweet boy is in need of a loving family with lots of backyard space!
My Siberian..
Hybrid dog, Italian Daniff. Cane Corso mix Great Dane. I have an Italian Daniff litter.(p..
3 precious, energetic Welsh Pembroke Corgi puppies (2 red male puppies and 1 tricolored m..
Litter is a cross between fawn/sable dam and black with white ruff and tan trim. Puppies ..
Meet Missy she is 9 weeks old and UTD on shots and deworming. She loves to play and cuddl..