c0ntact inf0rmati0n: xxx xxx xxxx rare irish parti s0ft c0ated wheaten puppy. her name is miss wheatie! puppy is ready t0 g0 h0me, she is p0tty trained, vaccinated, and vet. checked. miss wheatie has her vaccinati0n rec0rds and vet. f0rms. irish puppy is extremely smart and playful. wheaties are 1 0f the m0st l0ving breeds and best family pet. hyp0allergenic c0at and feels very s0ft, n0 shedding, and have 0nly 1 c0at. her c0at is parti c0at, partial white/black/g0ld. facetime is available, c0ntact me if y0u are interested in meeting puppy. akc champi0n prestigi0us pedigree. text me at: xxxxxxxxxx