3 puppies for sale that are brindle, very happy & vibrant. 2 boys and 1 girl from a litter of 5. The mother (Kardi) is also posted in the pictures. There were born on January 18th 2024 so in March 28th they will be officially 10 weeks old. They do not have shots as of yet but they are WELL kept and tended to consistently throughout the day. Very loving and cute puppies. Just want to find a good home for them because I do not have the space for additional pets. I’m available via email or phone call or text xxxxxx.xxx@xxxxxxx.xxx xxx-xxx-xxxx Please if you text or email, if you could put “brindle puppies) in the subject, it would be a huge help. I’m available Monday, Thursdays, and Fridays for anime to view them in person. Some weekend availability can work as well. Thanks,