WE HAVE BABIES. 1 Canadian girl . born 11/28/2019. babies cost 2,500 . also 2 females .4 males arctic/timbers . born 12/09/2019 . cost 2,000 . taking deposits down on these litters .sweet babies .out standing cubs . born and raised in my home . handled a lot . not skittish at all . make great friends and assist animals .not allergic to wolf fur .no dandruff . very smart .they just want to fallow you around and lay at your feet . they just want to be loved .they are calm. quiet. not hyper at all . come with papered . shots and vet check . they don't shed . they molt once a year . no Oder . no health problems . can xxxx 20 plus years .very healthy . great with kids and animals .cost arctic/timbers . males 2,000 . females 2,000. Canadian/timber wolf . male and females 2,500 . black 4,000 . colors gray . light and dark . sandy gray . like the color of a lion . black . or black phase wolf . for more photos and info. call xxx-xxx-xxxx . or xxxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxx . www.xxxxxxxxx.life . best animal you will every have . we love are babies .they get the best of every thing . thanks.