Recently Adopted Yorkshire Terrier Puppies Near Foristell
Yorkie puppy for sale
Brewer yorkie, black and white, very small, tea cup, she is very small she weighs 1lb 1once, she has her first shots, if intrested call Betty xxxxxxxxxx, I live in missouri,View Detail
Brewer yorkie puppy
We have a brewer black and white she is a female, she weighs 1 lb 1 once, she will get about the biggest 3 lbs very small , tee cup, she is so cute , very playful, she’s got her first shots, if intrested call Betty xxxxxxxxxxView Detail
Dog, spanky, yorkie
It’s a male not fixed, his name is spanky,he was my sisters , but she has cancer so she need to find a good home for him, he is cream and chocolate in color, he does have papers, very sweet and very very Tibet he weigh about 4 lbsView Detail