Dixe is well on her way to being a little “Diva Puppyâ€. She pretty much rules over her brothers. She is going to be between 6 – 7 lbs when full grown. She is Black and Tan and will be Silver and Tan when full grown. She loves to play and run. She also likes to give you kisses and cuddle when it is time to go to sleep. Her two favorite times of the day are playtime and dinner! Her ears will start standing up soon. As of 6/19/2015 she weighed 1 lb 11 oz. She is AKC registered. At SacRiver Puppies we “Pre-Spoil our Puppies for you!†Full payment is expected one week prior to shipping. We accept MasterCard, Visa and Discover over the phone. For shipping our puppies we offer a “Pet Nanny†service for $500. The puppy will be hand delivered to you by our pet nanny. She will hand carry the puppy on the flights for you and will meet you at the major airport closest to you. She would be flying out of Oregon, Contact me via email , call or text me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx @xxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxx