AKC registered, gorgeous little boys. D.O.B. 7-20-18. Mama is black and tan, weighs 4lbs, daddy is blue and gold and weighs 3 lbs. These babies are gonna be tiny little bundles of joy their whole lives. Raised in our home, prespoiled. They will come to you vet checked and will have vet administered shots, dewormed on schedule, microchipped with AKC reunite (can be enrolled in their lifetime program) will provide paperwork. Started on hearworm, flea and tick prevention; Revolution. Tails docked and dew claws removed. They come with health guarantee, vet record(s), puppy pack , food, collar and toy. All puppies sold as pet only Will be ready for their new homes 9-14-18. Clark is just a little darling. Sweet and loving as can be. He loves to play but is more reserved than his brother. More serious. You couldn't ask for a sweeter little boy, though. He loves to snuggle in your hand while resting on your chest: close to your heart. All the while nibbling on your fingers. Just sweet, silly, loving, Clark. Kent is a VERY rambunctious little boy. So confident! Loves to play, he will chase you all over the house. He’s very silly, nothing cuter than those little paws smacking at you, or when he runs backwards only to come back at you ready for more! He’s also a little love bug, will give you the sweetest, tinniest kisses. Text xxx-xxx-xxxx